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Der Interpreter der Planungsebene indiGOLOG

/* ====================================================================== */

/* IndiGolog Interpreter for Winodws (&Linux)*/

/* ====================================================================== */

/* In addition to a Golog program, users provide these predicates: */

/* */

/* prim_fluent(fluent), for each primitive fluent */

/* prim_action(action), for each primitive action */

/* exog_action(action), for each exogenous action */

/* senses(action,fluent), for each sensing action */

/* poss(action,cond) when cond, action is executable */

/* initially(fluent,value) fluent has value in S0 */

/* causes_val(action,fluent,value,cond) */

/* when cond holds, doing act causes fluent to have value */

/* */

/* execute(action,sensing_result) do the action, return the result */

/* can use ask_execute */

/* exog_occurs(action) return an exog action */

/* can use ask_exog_occurs (or fail, if none) */

/* ====================================================================== */

:-dynamic senses/2.

:-dynamic exog_action/1.

:-dynamic prim_action/1, causes_val/4, poss/2, proc/2, prim_fluent/1, holds/2.

:- lib(scattered).

:- local reference(commandpipe).

/* ********************************************************************** */

/* *************** MAIN LOOP: indigolog and indixeq ******************* */

/* ********************************************************************** */


PREDICATE: indigolog(E)

DESCRIPTION: The top level call is indigolog(E), where E is a program

The history H is a list of actions (prim or exog),

initially []. Sensing reports are inserted as actions of

the form e(fluent,value)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

indigolog(E) :- indigo(E,[]).

i(E) :- indigolog(E).

/* (1)- In each single step ask for an exogenous action, check it and

continue execution inserting that exogenous action */

indigo(E,H) :- exog_occurs(Act), exog_action(Act), !, indigo(E,[Act|H]).

/* (2) - Find a signle step (trans), execute it, commit and continue */

indigo(E,H) :- trans(E,H,E1,H1), indixeq(H,H1,H2), !, indigo(E1,H2).

/* (3) - If E is final write the length of history H */

indigo(E,H) :- final(E,H), nl, length(H,N), write(N), write(' actions.'), nl.


PREDICATE: indixeq(H1,H2,H3)

DESCRIPTION: Implementation of execution of an action. H1 is the

original history, H2 is H1 with the new action to be

executed and H3 is the resulting history after executing

such new action.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

/* (1) - No action was performed so we don't execute anything */


/* (2) - The action is not a sensing one: execute and ignore its sensing */

indixeq(H,[Act|H],[Act|H]) :- \+ senses(Act,_), execute(Act,_).

/* (3) - The action is a sensing one for fluent F: execute sensing action*/

indixeq(H,[Act|H],[e(F,Sr),Act|H]) :- senses(Act,F), execute(Act,Sr).


Globale Var für exog-Pipe

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

:- dynamic globalvar/2.

setvar(Name, Value) :- repeat,

not retract(globalvar(Name, _)),


assert(globalvar(Name, Value)).

getvar(Name, Value) :- globalvar(Name, Value),!.

/*open with close when backtracking*/

myopen(X,Y,Z) :- (open(X,Y,Z); close(Z), fail).


PREDICATE: exog_occurs(Act) and execute(Act,Sr)

DESCRIPTION: predicates that make contact with the outside world.

Here are two basic versions using read and write.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Ask for egogenous action Act */

%openpipe(pipe):- print(opp), open('/home/dylla/bee_6.0/bin/parser2eclipse',

read, pipe), print(ok).

%:- printf('BEGIN OPENPIPE \n', []),

open('/home/dylla/bee_6.0/bin/parser2eclipse', read, pipe).

%ask_exog_occurs(Act) :- write('E.'), Act=" ", display(Act).

/* if(pipe=EOF) then FALSE else */

ask_exog_occurs(Act) :- write('Exogenous input:'), flush(output), read(Act).

% printf('\n', []), display(Act), printf('\n', []),


/*ask_exog_occurs(Act) :- write('Exogenous input:'), flush(output),

read(pipe, Act),

printf('\n', []), display(Act),

printf('\n', []), flush(output). */

/* Write the action Act. If it is a sensing one, ask for sensing in Sr */

ask_execute(Act,Sr) :- write(Act), senses(Act,_) -> (write(':'),read(Sr));


/* ********************************************************************** */

/* ******************** TRANS and FINAL ******************************* */

/* ********************************************************************** */

/* (a) - CONGOLOG */

final(conc(E1,E2),H) :- final(E1,H), final(E2,H).

final(pconc(E1,E2),H) :- final(E1,H), final(E2,H).


trans(conc(E1,E2),H,conc(E,E2),H1) :- trans(E1,H,E,H1).

trans(conc(E1,E2),H,conc(E1,E),H1) :- trans(E2,H,E,H1).

trans(pconc(E1,E2),H,E,H1) :-

trans(E1,H,E3,H1) -> E=pconc(E3,E2) ;

(trans(E2,H,E3,H1), E=pconc(E1,E3)).

trans(iconc(E),H,conc(E1,iconc(E)),H1) :- trans(E,H,E1,H1).

/* (b) - GOLOG */


final([E|L],H) :- final(E,H), final(L,H).

final(ndet(E1,E2),H) :- final(E1,H) ; final(E2,H).

final(if(P,E1,E2),H) :- holds(P,H) -> final(E1,H) ; final(E2,H).


final(while(P,E),H) :- \+ holds(P,H) ; final(E,H).

final(pi(V,E),H) :- subv(V,_,E,E2), final(E2,H).

final(E,H) :- proc(E,E2), final(E2,H).

trans([E|L],H,[E1|L],H2) :- trans(E,H,E1,H2).

trans([E|L],H,E1,H2) :- \+ L=[], final(E,H), trans(L,H,E1,H2).

trans(?(P),H,[],H) :- holds(P,H).

trans(ndet(E1,E2),H,E,H1) :- trans(E1,H,E,H1) ; trans(E2,H,E,H1).

trans(if(P,E1,E2),H,E,H1) :- holds(P,H) -> trans(E1,H,E,H1) ; trans(E2,H,E,H1).

trans(star(E),H,[E1,star(E)],H1) :- trans(E,H,E1,H1).

trans(while(P,E),H,[E1,while(P,E)],H1) :- holds(P,H), trans(E,H,E1,H1).

trans(pi(V,E),H,E1,H1) :- subv(V,_,E,E2), trans(E2,H,E1,H1).

trans(E,H,E1,H1) :- proc(E,E2), trans(E2,H,E1,H1).

trans(E,H,[],[E|H]) :- prim_action(E), poss(E,H).

/* (c) - SEARCH (ignoring exogenous or other concurrent actions) */

/* If (E,H) is a final state then finish. Otherwise, look for a straight

path (E1,L) without looking at exogenous actions */

final(search(E),H) :- final(E,H).

trans(search(E),H,followpath(E1,L),H1) :- trans(E,H,E1,H1), findpath(E1,H1,L).

/* Look for a good path without looking at exogenous actions */

findpath(E,H,[E,H]) :- final(E,H).

findpath(E,H,[E,H|L]) :- trans(E,H,E1,H1), findpath(E1,H1,L).

/* When we have a followpath(E,L), try to advance using the list L

in an offline manner.

If it is not possible to advance any more redo the search to continue */

final(followpath(E,[E,H]),H) :- !.

final(followpath(E,_),H) :- final(E,H). /* off path; check again */

trans(followpath(E,[E,H,E1,H1|L]),H,followpath(E1,[E1,H1|L]),H1) :- !.

trans(followpath(E,_),H,E1,H1) :- trans(search(E),H,E1,H1). /* redo search */

/* (d) - INTERRUPTS */




causes_val(start_interrupts, interrupts, running, true).

causes_val(stop_interrupts, interrupts, stopped, true).

poss(start_interrupts, true).

poss(stop_interrupts, true).

proc(interrupt(V,Trigger,Body), /* version with variable */

while(interrupts=running, pi(V,if(Trigger,Body,?(neg(true)))))).

proc(interrupt(Trigger,Body), /* version without variable */

while(interrupts=running, if(Trigger,Body,?(neg(true))))).

proc(prioritized_interrupts(L),[start_interrupts,E]) :- expand_interrupts(L,E).


expand_interrupts([X|L],pconc(X,E)) :- expand_interrupts(L,E).

/* ********************************************************************** */

/* ***************************** HOLDS ******************************** */

/* ********************************************************************** */

holds(and(P1,P2),H) :- !, holds(P1,H), holds(P2,H).

holds(or(P1,P2),H) :- !, (holds(P1,H) ; holds(P2,H)).

holds(neg(P),H) :- !, \+ holds(P,H). /* Negation by failure */

holds(some(V,P),H) :- !, subv(V,_,P,P1), holds(P1,H).

holds(P,H) :- proc(P,P1), holds(P1,H).

holds(P,H) :- \+ proc(P,P1), subf(P,P1,H), call(P1).

/* T2 is T1 with X1 replaced by X2 */

subv(X1,X2,T1,T2) :- (var(T1);integer(T1)), !, T2 = T1.

subv(X1,X2,T1,T2) :- T1 = X1, !, T2 = X2.

subv(X1,X2,T1,T2) :- T1 =..[F|L1], subvl(X1,X2,L1,L2), T2 =..[F|L2].


subvl(X1,X2,[T1|L1],[T2|L2]) :- subv(X1,X2,T1,T2), subvl(X1,X2,L1,L2).

/* P2 is P1 with all fluents replaced by their values */

subf(P1,P2,H) :- (var(P1);integer(P1)), !, P2 = P1.

subf(P1,P2,H) :- prim_fluent(P1), has_val(P1,P2,H).

subf(P1,P2,H) :- \+ prim_fluent(P1), P1=..[F|L1], subfl(L1,L2,H), P2=..[F|L2].


subfl([T1|L1],[T2|L2],H) :- subf(T1,T2,H), subfl(L1,L2,H).


PREDICATE: has_val(F,V,H)

DESCRIPTION: Fluent F has value V in history H.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

has_val(F,V,[]) :- initially(F,V).

has_val(F,V,[Act|H]) :- sets_val(Act,F,V1,H), V = V1;

has_val(F,V,H), not (sets_val(Act,F,V1,H), V1 \= V).


PREDICATE: sets_val(Act,F,V,H)

DESCRIPTION: Action Act causes fluent F to be set to V in history H.

Act can be either an exogenous action e(F,V) or a standard

action with a successor state axiom causes_val(Act,F,V,P).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

sets_val(Act,F,V,H) :- Act = e(F,V) ; (causes_val(Act,F,V,P), holds(P,H)).[5]1./Bilder/


