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{Spatial Audio Quality Evaluation: Comparing Transaural, Ambisonics and Stereo}
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Citation: Guastavino2007
Booktitle: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Auditory Display. ICAD 2007.
Year: 2007
Pages: 53--59
Address: Montr\'{e}al, Canada.
URL: http://www.icad.org/Proceeding...
Abstract: Two experiments were conducted to investigate perceptual differences between three sound recording and reproduction techniques, namely transaural, ambisonics and stereophony, in terms of spatial quality (Exp.1) and localization (Exp. 2) on a variety of sound material. Results indicate a strong contrast between ambisonics and the other two techniques. Specifically, ambisonics provides a good sense of immersion and envelopment but a poor localization and readability of the scene, while stereophony and transaural provide a precise localization and a good readability but lack immersion and envelopment. These results suggest that a trade-off between immersion and precision may be difficult to achieve using these techniques.
Userfields: bdsk-url-1={http://www.icad.org/Proceedings/2007/GuastavinoLarcher2007.pdf}, date-added={2012-09-23 10:50:23 +0200}, date-modified={2012-09-23 10:50:23 +0200}, file={:home/jim/Desktop/sortedLiterature/3D Audio und Ambisonic/GuastavinoLarcher2007-SPATIAL AUDIO QUALITY EVALUATION.pdf:pdf}, project={fremdliteratur},
Keywords: Multi-Channel Audio, Perceptual Evaluation
Authors Guastavino, C
Larcher, V
Catusseau, Guillaume
Boussard, Patrick
  • http://www.icad.org/Proceeding...