R3-[Q-Shape] - Research: Qualitative Spatial Reasoning

Oriented Point Relation Algorithm (OPRA)

A Relative Orientation Algebra with Adjustable Granularity

The granularity of spatial calculi and the resulting mathematical properties have always been a major question in solving spatial tasks qualitatively. The Oriented Point Relation Algebra   is a new orientation calculus with adjustable granularity. Since it is a relation algebra in the sense of Tarski, fast standard inference methods can be applied.

The Calculus

In most prior approaches objects and locations are represented as simple, featureless points.

is based on objects which are represented as oriented points. O-points, our term for oriented points, are specified as pair of a point and a direction on the 2D-plane.

The coarsest representation of a single o-point induces the sectors depicted in the picture on the right. "Front" and "Back" are linear sectors. "Left" and "Right" are half-planes. The position of the point itself is denoted as "Same".

Reasoning with Coarse O-Point Relations

For the general case of the two points having different positions we use the concatenated string of both sector names as the relation symbol. Then the configuration shown in the picture on the right is A RightLeft B. If both points share the same position the relation symbol starts with the word "Same" (see picture below)

The coarsest representation (m=1) contains 20 different atomic relations (four times four general relations plus four with the o-points at the same position).

These relations are jointly exhaustive and pairwise disjoint (JEPD). The relation SameFront is the identity relation.

A RightLeft B
A SameRight B

Finer grained O-Point Calculi

The design principle for OPRA_1 can be generalized to calculi OPRA_m with arbitrary m element of N. Then an angular resolution of  2pi/2m is used for the representation.


Granularity with m=2
Granularity with m=4

For o-points A and B at different positions, the relation A_m_i_j B  reads like: Given a granularity m, the relative position of B with respect to A is described by j, and the relative position of A with respect to B is described by i. Note that i and j are defined as members of the cyclic group Z_4m. Below, the same o-points in relations for different values of mA 2_7_1 (left) and A 4_13_3 (right) are presented.


m=2, i=7 and j=1
m=4, i=3 and j=13


Composition of two relations A m_i_j B and B m_k_l C  is mainly a composition of angular intervals, which translates to additions of elements of Z_4m. If we want to describe the relative position of C with respect to A, we need to combine the angular intervals which correspond to i, j and k. The first possible sector which can contain C is either i or i-j+k-2m-2, depending on which one is "first" in a circular order. The composition rule is given as an algebraical formula. For details on the composition see [MoDyFr05]

The example to the right shows the composition of two OPRA_m relations A m_i_j B  and B m_k_l C with m=4. The values in this example are i=13, j=5 and k=11. Because the direction of C is not depicted in this example, no value of l is given. As a result of the composition, C may lie in sectors 9 to 13 with respect to A.


[MoDyFr05]: Reinhard Moratz, Frank Dylla, and Lutz Frommberger. A relative orientation algebra with adjustable granularity. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Agents in Real-Time and Dynamic Environments (IJCAI 05), 2005.