Publications - Sven Bertel:

You may check the boxes next to the publications to generate BibTex entries. Then, click on
the button at the end of the list below. /i"; $replacementS1 = ""; // Parsen des HTML-Codes $searchScript = file_get_contents("../publications/search.php"); $searchScript = str_replace("echo", '$myOutput = $myOutput.', $searchScript); $searchScript = str_replace("", "", $searchScript); $searchScript = preg_replace($patternS1, $replacementS1, $searchScript); // Ausgeben des Codes eval ($searchScript); // Einfuegen einer Leerzeile hinter der Jahresangabe "(2004)." $pattern1 = "/(\(\d\d\d\d\)\.)/i"; $replacement1 = "\$1
"; $myOutput = preg_replace($pattern1, $replacement1, $myOutput); // Aendern der Ausgabe bei einem technical report $tech = "Technical report"; if(ereg($tech, $myOutput)){ //an welcher stelle steht die gesuchte zeichenkette $pos = strpos($myOutput, "No. "); //nr des reports in variable speichern $newStr1 = substr($myOutput, $pos, 16); //No. aus string loeschen $myOutput = ereg_replace($newStr1, "" , $myOutput); //text ersetzen $myOutput = ereg_replace($tech.".", $tech." ".$newStr1 , $myOutput); } /* Ersetzen der Bilder durch schoenere */ // PDF-Bilder $myOutput = str_replace("\"\" width=\"25\" height=\"14\"","\"../img/publications/pdf.gif\" width=\"23\" height=\"23\" align=\"top\"",$myOutput); // PS-Bilder $myOutput = str_replace("\"\" width=\"25\" height=\"14\"", "\"../img/publications/ps.gif\" width=\"23\" height=\"23\" align=\"top\"",$myOutput); // www-Icon $myOutput = str_replace("\"\" width=\"37\" height=\"14\"","\"../img/publications/network.gif\" width=\"23\" height=\"23\" align=\"top\"", $myOutput); // Lupe //magnify01.png, 06.gif $myOutput = str_replace("\"\" width=\"37\" height=\"14\"","\"../img/publications/magnify.gif\" width=\"25\" height=\"25\" align=\"top\"",$myOutput); // Automatisches Verlinken der Buecher Spatial Cognition I - III + Gross-/ Kleinschreibkorrektur $myOutput = str_replace("Spatial Cognition II", "Spatial Cognition II", $myOutput); $myOutput = str_replace("Spatial Cognition III", "Spatial Cognition III", $myOutput); $myOutput = str_replace("Spatial cognition II", "Spatial Cognition II", $myOutput); $myOutput = str_replace("Spatial cognition III", "Spatial Cognition III", $myOutput); $myOutput = str_replace("Spatial Cognition I - An interdisciplinary", "Spatial Cognition I - An interdisciplinary", $myOutput); $myOutput = str_replace("Spatial cognition I - An interdisciplinary", "Spatial Cognition I - An interdisciplinary", $myOutput); $myOutput = str_replace("Spatial Cognition - An interdisciplinary", "Spatial Cognition I - An interdisciplinary", $myOutput); $myOutput = str_replace("Spatial cognition - An interdisciplinary", "Spatial Cognition I - An interdisciplinary", $myOutput); echo $myOutput; //include("/home/www/agbkb/publikationen/bibsearch/search.php"); ?>