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16 Aug 2012.
Announcement: Tutorial Part 2 of 2

PART II: ARAD - Augmented Reality Aided Architecture

Thursday Sep 27, and Friday Sep 28
Venue. TBA

Hartmut Seichter
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Handheld Augmented Reality
Institute for Computer Vision and Graphics, Graz University of Technology.

Detailed Information
1 Aug 2012.
Announcement: Tutorial Part 1 of 2

PART I: Introduction to Augmented Reality

Thursday Aug 16 2012
Venue. ROTUNDE, Cartesium Building, Enrique-Schmidt Str. 5.

Dr. Mohammad Obaid
Human Interface Technology Laboratory, New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ)

Detailed Information
14 Jul 2012.
Announcement. Dr. Mohammad Obaid from the Human Interface Technology Laboratory in New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) will be visiting in August 2012. Dr. Obaid will present a scientific talk within the Spatial Cognition Center (SFB/TR 8), and also present a tutorial specifically prepared for participants of Project AUGMENT. Both events are also open to everyone interested!! Please confirm a place by emailing Mehul Bhatt, and also bring your Android or iPhone along if you have one! Further details will be announced shortly....
12 Jul 2012.
First AR demo and concept of the project with a live prototype was presented at the Design Workshop held at the University of Bremen. The workshop was attended by an international audience consisting of architects, computer scientists, and academics working in design studies and architecture. A rapid prototype was demonstrated by Timur Khamrakulov.
1 Jul 2012.
Timur Khamrakulov from Tajikistan joins as intern for 3 months. Timur will kick-start foundational AR work.
15 Feb 2012.
Results of project registration announced. The preliminary AUGMENT team comprises of (by student ID): [ bcrs, btietzen, cpiepka, danielk, derkoch, dsi10elm, marcg, mkalusch, reatus, smith, svenja88, tdecker, vschwe, verin ]
01 Feb 2012.
First direct meeting with students interested to participate in the project (Projektschnuppertermine; 09.15hrs. MZH 1400)
23 Jan 2012.
Project AUGMENT formally announced for WiSe 2012-13
18 Jan 2012.
Project AUGMENT introduced to students within the faculty of computer science and digital media.
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